Hi, I'm Mike Grimes, aka The Data Lama. Trying to find the Zen in dev and data ops in the cloud in relationship to traditional, agile and hybrid project management.

I'm an IT professional with work and educational experience in telecom, cloud technologies, cybersecurity, project management and more; now with a revitalized passion for all things Data, AI, ML and PM.


Time to enjoy a cup of data.  So I am very passionate about a lot of things.  I enjoy cooking, reading , beekeeping, collecting books, home brewing, meditation, collecting and playing indigenous instruments and writing and producing comic books just to name a few.  However I have always had a interest and passion for many areas of technology.  I have a Bachelors  in Electronic Engineering and a Masters in Network Communication Manager and Security.  While most of my career has been on the Telecommunications side of technology I have always branched off into learning other areas of technology and often going back and forth.  Over the years I have developed a passion for open source tech, linux, cloud, cybersecurity, project management and more recently big data; often times going back and forth between them all.   Recently however big data, data analytics, AI and ML  has really re-sparked that technology passion in me.  Knowing how much I can change the world for the better with data whether its for a company, nonprofit or even grassroots organizations doing good for the better of all of us globally and the planet we call home.

 Project Portfolio

Finding Your Tribe

Covid 19 Data Exploration and Visualization


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