Fondasyon Felicitee: Finding Your Tribe

Findings those who are truly committed to the works of Professor Bayyinah Bello and her organization.

This was my first Data Analyst project which I did as part of the Capstone for the Google Data Analyst Certificate via Coursera. While the Capstone offered two different potential projects I wanted to do my own for an organization and woman that I still hold near and dear to me personally. What sparked me to take on this project is that Professor Bayyinah Bello did a live event in which 65 people signed up to attend but only 10 actually showed up. While her online events via Zoom usually has an average of 100+ from around the globe; I wanted her to know who would be likely to support future events that required a solid commitment.

Problem: Finding those who are truly committed to the works of Professor Bayyinah Bello and her organization Fondasyon Felicitee.

Solution: Help Bayyinah Bello come up with a list of people who through regular attendance of Bayyinah and Friends will be more likely to support future events, programs and projects.

Challenges: So I distinctly remember while going through the Google Analystics cert them warning about going down the data analysis rabbit hole. Needless to say I went down and had to pull myself out. I got so caught up in being faccinated with all the potential questions I could answer; problems I could solve I lost sight of what the Stakeholder and I agreed on. After reeling myself back in there were some technical challenges that creeped in. Once I had downloaded the csv file from Eventbrite and opened it in Libre Office, the program keep crashing. I didn't think the spreadsheet was that complex only having about 950+rows. So I decided to upload the csv into Google Sheets to clean and normalize the data. Well, turned out Google Sheets kept giving an error about the file size being too large. Google Big Query to the rescue. I uploaded the csv file to Big Query and filtered out only the data I needed after pulling myself out of the analysis rabbit hole. I exported my results as a csv and then uploaded it to Google Sheets were I finished normalizing and cleaning the data. I then ran queries in Big Query to double check and confirm my final results that I had obtained in Google Sheets. Finally I used Google Sheets to visualize the results.

Lessons Learned: I learned that in the future I might find myself at a company or in an environment were only certain tools are available by default. Learning how to pivot and use multiple tools as part of the analysis is a reality. I also learned to stay focus on the original scope that scope that is defined and agreed upon by the stakeholder as the problem and focus on that, while during the presentation of the results leave room for further suggested analysis. I also learned during the presentation various additional stakeholders in attendance who were not a part of the original meeting will have questions and learning how to handle these questions is vital.